Reizei Tametsune (冷泉為経)

Tametsune REIZEI (October 31, 1654 to November 12, 1722) was a kuge (court noble) in Edo period. His original name was Tamenao YORIHIRO and his one-character name was Kakari.

In 1654, he was born as the second or third son of Yorinari HAMURO, and was adopted by Tamemoto REIZEI of the Shimo-Reizei family. In January, 1688, he was appointed Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank). The highest rank which one could be appointed was Shonii (Senior Second Rank)Gon Dainagon (Provisional Chief Councilor of State). His daughter was the legal wife of Kazutsune AOKI, the feudal lord of Asada Domain in Settsu Province.

[Original Japanese]